Article I. Name
The official name of the society is the Wellness in Law and Life Society, or “WILL.”
Article II. Purpose
Our purpose is to foster happiness and well-being for students while in law school, and to prepare students for balanced and fulfilling law careers.
To accomplish this, WILL will:
Provide an easy, low-investment, and low-stakes way to facilitate new and deeper connections between individuals within their respective classes and the student body as a whole.
Foster a genuine sense of community at WashULaw.
Provide students with a space to define what happiness means for them.
Article III. Activities
To accomplish our purpose, we will:
Organize periodic dinner parties and activities which will match randomized small groups of students.
Organize at least one large event each year for law students.
Periodically host speakers, activities, and group sessions to help students
understand what happiness means to them.
Article IV. Membership
1. WILL’s membership shall be open to all WashU Law students and faculty, including those pursuing joint or concurrent degrees with WashU Law.
2. WILL does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.
Article V. Board
WILL’s Board shall consist of at least the following positions: one President, one Vice President, one Treasurer, one Communications Chair, two Social Events Co-Chairs, one Small Groups Chair, one Professional Development Chair, one Mental Health Chair, one Physical Health Chair, and one Service Chair.
The Board shall consist of three working groups: the Small Events Group, the Large Events Group, and the Classes & Speakers Group.
TheSmallEventsGroupshallberesponsiblefororganizingdinner parties and activities which will match randomized small groups of students. This group shall be headed by the Small Events Chair.
The Large Events Group shall be responsible for organizing one or two classwide events each year. This group shall be headed by the Social Co-Chairs.
TheClasses&SpeakersGroupshallberesponsibleforhosting speakers, activities, and group sessions. This group shall be headed by the President.
Board positions may be created or removed by the President.
Only current registered students of WashU Law in good academic standing,
who are members of the organization, may serve as Board members.
The duties of the President shall be as follows:
a. ThePresidentshallbethechiefexecutiveofficerofWILLandshall have general supervision and control of its activities and operations.
The President shall be the head representative for WILL at all functions of the WashULaw community and at all activities in which the organization participates.
ThePresidentshallcall,determinetheagenda,andpresideoverall Board meetings
The duties of the Vice President shall be as follows:
members aside from the President and resolve internal issues, as
needed, with the exception of disputes regarding financial matters.
The Vice President shall have all powers and responsibilities as
delegated by the President.
The Treasurer shall oversee the financial affairs and ensure that WILL
adheres to all relevant Student Bar Association bylaws and practices. Additionally, the Treasurer shall assist the President and the Vice President with planning and implementing WILL’s activities.
All Chairs shall plan, direct, coordinate, and oversee the events and activities associated with their title.
Article VI. Elections
All Board members shall be elected at or before the beginning of each academic year by a fair and reasonable process, which shall be determined by the agreement of more than two-thirds of the incumbent Board members.
Each Board member will serve for a term of approximately one calendar year from the day he or she is elected at the end of an academic year, throughout the summer break, until the following election day.
All Board members can be re-elected to serve more than one term.
No individual may hold more than one Board position.
AnyBoardmembermayresignatanytimeduringtheterm.Aspecial election shall be held to fill the vacant position within one month from the time resignation comes into effect.
A Board member may be suspended for good cause by more than a two-thirds vote of the remaining members of the Board. Suspensions may not last longer than a month without a vote for removal or reinstatement by the members. The suspended Board member may be reinstated or removed for good cause by a special vote. For the special vote, one-half of the members is the quorum required, and more than one-half of the voting members (the quorum) must vote either for removal or for reinstatement.
Vacancies in any Board position shall be filled by a special election for the duration of the remaining term. If such vacancy occurs within 90 days of the end of such term, the Board may appoint any member to serve the remainder of such term, or leave the position unfilled until the next election at which such position would be filled.
AspecialprovisionforthefoundingPresidentandVicePresidentwillallow them to keep their titles filed for the approval of the creation of WILL and maintain their positions for as long as they fulfill the duties of their positions or until the first normal election
Article VII. Meetings
Board meetings shall be held at least two times per semester. The initial Board meeting shall be held before or during the first week of each semester.
Notice of all special meetings and elections and their results shall be communicated to all members of WILL by the President.
Article VIII. Amendments
Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by either the President, an agreement by the majority of the Board members, or an agreement by more than two-thirds of the general members.
For the Proposed amendments to be ratified, more than two-thirds of the members of the board must vote in favor of the amendments.
Upon ratification, the President shall notify the amended constitution to all members within four days of ratification.
Article IX. Founding President
The Founding President, as the chief investor of the society, will have the final say in the operations and activities of the society.
ThisArticlewillself-terminatewiththegraduationoftheFounding President.
Drafted by Mikheil Kharebava, Thane Bonnett and Jason Shefferman on January 21, 2023